I'm happy to announce that we ship worldwide! Once I get a mail from you stating what you want & where you want it shipped to, I'll let you know the total price of the item including shipping.
Payment can be made via cheques, cash deposits, fund transfers or net banking. Mode of payment will be discussed once the item & place of shipping is confirmed.
Order(s) will be dispatched within 4 days of clearance of payment. National & international orders will be shipped through reliable couriers or post. Shipping will be at buyers' risk. We take no guarantee of shipped items. But we'll make do our best to ensure maximum protection for your orders.
If you want your orders shipped via any particular courier service, please feel free to ask for the same. Additional charges will be applicable for such special requests.
Delivery time will vary from 7-21 days from date of clearance of payment, depending on where the order is being shipped to. We are not liable for any shipping/customs problem.